
Organization Details

- Name of Beneficiary (The community name as will appear on contract)

Contact Person's Details

Beneficiary Authorized Name

Details of the Institute for which the Assistance is required

If the facility is a stand alone building, please specify: neighborhood name, neighbors, yard, entrances, if there are surrounding fences and elevators.

Please specify: Number of floors in the building, entrances, on which floor is the facility located and elevators.


Facility environment

The Application Details


Pleas select all the measures you are requesting. If you have one quote for more then one of the requested measures, you can upload the same file again.


Internal cameras will not be approved 

We won't approve less than 300 microns

Wooden door will not be approved


The fund will not approve internal cameras, wooden doors, CPR Kit, weapons, human
 resources and rental payments

Hidden Files

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